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Governance Structures for Regional Ethnic Policy in the Russian Federation

Interactions between state and non-state actors within negotiation platforms
Art-Nr.: 978-3-86573-965-0
Autor: Karina Mikirova
S., Einband: 241 S., Broschur
Jahr: 2016, Diss.
Preis: EUR 38.00
Versand: EUR 0.00
Lagerbestand: an Lager


Since 2001 Russian authorities have taken several steps to increase interaction with civil society, including creation of negotiation platforms. Their establishment shows a move to develop non-hierarchical modes of governance in Russia. In practice, it is possible to observe two main approaches for creating such negotiation platforms in the Russian regions: negotiation platforms have either hierarchical or non-hierarchical characteristics, depending on the character of relations between state and non-state actors. Likewise, it is important to look at which approach - hierarchical or non-hierarchical - a region decides to pursue within negotiation platforms and why and which factors affect that decision. The author will try to answer these questions by taking into consideration the role of informal rules in Russia and by concentrating on variables such as state interests and resource interdependence between state and non-state actors. The chosen Krasnodar and Stavropol regions are similar in many respects excepting the listed variables regarding ethnic issues.
The research results support the hypotheses that state interest in an issue brings actors together, and resource interdependence causes state and non-state actors to be partners, motivating both sides to engage in non-hierarchical interactions.



Versandkosten: Inland: EUR 0.00
Ausland: EUR 0.00
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